Sunday, August 7, 2011

Maximizing design through repetition

Gerry Krueger's Block Talk has reinforced the importance of repetition to me. Using repetition as a design tool helped a lot in putting this block together. I began the block by stitching the main Art Deco motif with a single strand of silk and silk ribbons in the middle/top.
Much of the rest of the design on the block repeated the element of the open V shape of the primary motif. The dyed lace motifs had that same type of opening, as did the
Cretan stitches on either side of the main motif. The feather stitch, detached chain stitches and straight stitch seam treatments also had the same general feel. After repeating that "V" element, I went on to repeat the curved element and highlighted the curves in the lace, and added chain stitch curves.The overall piece ended up with a sort of a dreamy quality to it that had lots of contrasts in texture and size, but lots of repetition in shapes. This is the last cream on cream type block I am doing for the tone on tone RR. I have really enjoyed working in this palette, and plan to do more in the future!


  1. Beautiful Cheryl! Just gorgeous! Glad to see you have a new blog. I'll update my sidebar!

